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  • #8979

    For all posts regarding the sale/donation/trade of honey bees or beekeeping equipment, please use our new bulletin board forum and give full descriptions of your situation:

    -How many boxes, deeps and mediums?
    -Brood nest and honey storage areas?
    -How old is the colony?
    -Is it from a swarm, cutout, other?
    -How often have in-hive inspections been done?
    -What would be your assessment of the colony’s attitude to inspection in the brood nest? With proper smoking and preparation, of course.

    NOTE: This forum does not necessarily reflect the opinions or practices of HoneyLove.

    Michael Georgia


    You may want to do some maintenance to your forum area

    It seems as though some bots have figured out how to post. Stu needs to be purged and removed

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  • The forum ‘Bulletin Board’ is closed to new topics and replies.


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