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Report a bee kill

Providing advocacy, guidance and tools for beekeepers to defend their bees from the detrimental effects of pesticides.

Pollinator Stewardship Council would like to help 

Have you experienced a sudden bee kill? Help us help you, and other beekeepers as we work together to defend bees, and collect information to raise awareness of the struggles in the beekeeping industry.

Communication is key to understanding and solving bee kills. Bee kills should also be reported to your State Apiarist as well. Per the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) states do not have to report bee kills to the federal EPA. We will report this bee kill to the federal EPA for you (with your permission).

 Fill out the email form below or call us directly to report a bee kill 832-727-9492

Directions: Beekeeper, please complete this online contact form which will be sent to Pollinator Stewardship Council. Only Pollinator Stewardship Council will have access to the information you provide. We will contact you for additional information. Your privacy will be maintained; your information will be compiled with other data submitted to Pollinator Stewardship Council relating to bee kills, but exclude personal information. Statistics collected from submitted bee kill reports may be posted on this website or used in presentations, again maintaining the privacy of each individual beekeeper.

Submit a form through the Pollinator Stewardship Council

Additional resources:
How to report a bee kill (pdf)
Quick guide to reporting a bee kill (pdf)

The following email was sent by Michele Colopy
Program Director—Pollinator Stewardship Council:

“The Pollinator Stewardship Council has been encouraging beekeepers to report their bee kills (not winter losses, that is BIP’s work) since 2013 .  We worked with the Honey Bee Health Coalition in May 2015 to create a guide on how to report bee kills due to pesticides.  The attached article was printed in Bee Culture magazine, and the attached Quick Guide PDF was there as well.  Beekeepers can request a laminated copy of the Quick Guide at

Thank you for your due diligence in reporting your losses.  It is only through awareness and data collection that we all can gain a better understanding of all of the factors (pests, pathogens, pesticides, and poor forage) affecting our honey bees whether it is 2 hives or 2000 colonies damaged or killed.

Even though EPA has stated they do not like to accept “second-hand” reports, such as from the Pollinator Stewardship Council; EPA does accept “second-hand” reports of pesticide incidents that were reported to pesticide manufacturers.  When you and I spoke about your bee losses, I simply wrote down what you told me; you reviewed and approved the report, and gave me your permission to email the reports to CDPR and to EPA with your name and contact information in the report. (beekeepers can report their losses anonymously, and we will respect a beekeeper’s privacy to do so.)    The Pollinator Stewardship Council is here to assist beekeepers in the reporting process.  Our goal is to listen to beekeepers, explain the reporting process, and help them document their losses.

At this time the Pollinator Stewardship Council is part of a committee, along with other concerned nonprofits, working with EPA to revamp their incident reporting data collection.

Through more than 50 presentations around the U.S. the Pollinator Stewardship Council has provided information about reporting bee kills due to pesticide exposure, and encouraged beekeepers to report their losses.  We need all beekeepers to report their losses (winter losses to Bee Informed Partnership as that data collection is important), and losses as a result of pesticide poisoning to the Pollinator Stewardship Council, EPA, and the beekeeper’s state EPA as this data is just as important in helping to improve the health of our bees.  See reported losses at

I am very sorry for the losses you have experienced.  Thank you for taking the time to report this incident. Please feel free to share this information with your beekeeping network.”

Michele Colopy
Program Director
Pollinator Stewardship Council, Inc.
P.O. Box 304 Perkinston, MS 39573